Sunday, March 17, 2013

The first human in awhile

There's always been a plane look to Sara and she never gave it much thought; For some reason Sara just always seemed to blend into the background.She walked to bumpy road kicking the gravel under her feet not caring much about the world around her at most times. The Superiors payed no attention to such a plain human as her which made it easy for her to wonder into forbidden areas, the dangerous areas, the superiors didn't care to protect the plain humans after all. Sara walked slowly past the two tall guards; Today must have been different they've never looked so human before. Sara tip toed as to not attract their attention she didn't know what was going on that day but nothing was keeping her from her spot by the river. Sara pushed her way through the bushes to her hidden path the forest was beautiful everything seemed to glow in the early morning light. Sara reached down and tugged at her ragged shorts she sighed they once draped over her nearly falling off, and now they where to tight for her to squat in. Sara hated those slight signs that she was ageing she knew it was only a matter of time before she would be one of the girls paired with the superiors.Sara forced her way down to the river where she sat everyday her favorite rock seemed more welcoming today then ever. Sara brushed off the dirt as she sat on the rock gazing into the crystal river at the fish that swam by if only she could catch a fish then she could feed the town herself. Sara knew her thoughts were silly no human has been able to touch water because of the toxic rain. It's been 200 years sense any human has even been aloud near natural water. Suddenly there was a crunch, then a crack, someone else was here Sara jumped to her feet there was nowhere to go. Sara always knew a day would come where they would find her but she never imagined today. Suddenly a boy stumbled out of the bushes, and he was laughing. He brushed off his shoulders and smiled over at Sara "They think they can keep me from exploring" he chuckled as he walked over to her plopping down next to her feet. Sara stood there in shock who was this boy she had never seen him in her village and who were 'they'? The boy looked up and gave her a smile "names Toya" he stuck out his hand. Sara examined it and cautiously grabbed it "Sara" she replied much more softly then she had thought she would. The boy grinned "looking for scales?" he asked and she plopped down beside him shaking her head no. "what would have you done if I was a superior?" he asked with a laugh "run?"  Sara shrugged she honestly didn't know what she would have done. Toya leaned back running his fingers through his dark hair and Sara suddenly felt uneasy her stomach twisting in knot's. "Want to see something cool?" Toya said as he stuck his hand deep into his pocket. Sara watched as he pulled out a small thick metal rod and slowly flipped it open revealing the sharp blade of a knife. There was a rope on the end of the knife that he tied to his pants as he leaned over the rock thrusting it into the water he then quickly pulled it back up bringing with in a wildly flopping fish. Sara's eye lit up and Toya smiled he obviously had her hooked. He reached into his next pocket and pulled out another knife just like his and handed it to her with another charming smile. Sara grabbed it and tied the end to her shorts she leaned over and threw her knife into the water and pulled her knife back but there was nothing there. She quickly turned to Toya her face obviously displaying her disappointment. Toya laughed and moved closer to her as he pointed to the fish in the water he explained about aiming. The sky seemed to move faster then them as they threw their knives into the water but soon they both stopped knowing the day was over. Toya stood up and held out his hand Sara laughed at his silly grin as she grabbed it and he pulled her up, but as soon as she did her heart froze at the sign on the scales on his fingers. "You're the first human in awhile I didn't want to kill" he whispered into her ear. He pulled away and ran his fingers through his hair giving her one more heartfelt smile before he turned to leave. Sara stood there for a moment in shock, who was that boy? how did he look so human this morning? and why didn't he kill her for breaking the law?